Geeze, could chance this guy could have killed himself by now.
Their are several places you can inject steroids. i just hope you are educated enough to know what you should know about them and have your diet and training in check.
Most people think steroids are just some magic pill and you can half ass eat, half ass lift and get drunk 3 days a week and still look good.
But anyway, go to if you really want to see a visual of different places to inject.
I know most people say the ass and that is fine but for a newbie, I think the best is the deltoids. You can use a smaller needle and it is not a stretch. But if you do the ass, make sure you go for the upper outer quadrant of the ass.
Don't know if it is a big deal to post web addys but this guy should have some kinda visual or he could hurt himself.
Its shit like this that has the average person slueless and america hating on steroids. This guy does something, gets drunk, kills someone and the news cast will be blaming it on the steroids.